Saturday, February 7, 2009

Congratulations, Graduates

(image courtesty of

Several CA correctional institutions report the number of GED certificates, and other diplomas and degrees, earned by inmates.

Congratulations to those who have achieved this important milesone, which will be invaluable on the other side of the fence. As this data from NCSALL demonstrates, one's earning potential, particularly if one belongs to a racial minority, substantially increases with a GED. The good folks at Brown University, particularly John Tyler, are continuing to keep track of the impacts of prison education and of other issues pertaining to employment prospects after release, for those of you who want to learn more.


  1. Are there studies that track ex-offenders that go on to obtain college degrees? Or even their masters? How does an ex-offender go about expunging their record if they want to pursue education beyond a bachelor's degree, but are refused admission solely because of a prior offense?

  2. My immediate association was John Irwin, who spent five years in prison for armed robbery and later earned a PhD in criminology. But more systematically, Shadd Maruna's terrific book Making Good is an excellent read on narratives of rebuilding life after serving time. I can't recommend it enough:

    As to useful advice, here's a link from the CA Courts self-help center that might be a good place to start:
