Thursday, March 19, 2009

Conference Blogging Invite and Publication Options

Dear Readers,

Today and tomorrow we plan to blog about the conference panels, and we'd like to invite you to participate. If any of you has thoughts or ideas you would like to expand on in this forum, please be sure to comment on our posts; and, if you'd like to guest-post yourselves about any of the topics we will be discussing, please email me your post to aviramh at uchastings dot edu, and I'll be delighted to post it for you. The same goes for bloggers who might be interested in cross-posting.

We expect to be covering topics covered by the different panels:
  • "big picture" thoughts on the problem
  • the medical services litigation
  • the CA sentencing structure
  • alternative adjudication
  • special populations in prison
  • dangerousness, risk, and release
  • strategies for re-entry

I should also mention that the terrific journal that is co-hosting the conference, the Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal, will be dedicating its fall issue to articles, comments, and writings on the conference topic and by conference participants, and that includes you! The Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal is committed to promoting and inspiring discourse in the legal community regarding issues of race, poverty, social justice, and the law. If you are interested in submitting a piece for consideration in response to this conference to the Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal’s forthcoming issue, please contact the Submissions Editor, Raegan Joern, at
. To learn more about the Journal, or to subscribe, please visit the Journal's website.

See you there!

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