Thursday, December 9, 2010

LA Times favors parole for youth LWOPs

Today's LA Times carries this piece:,0,2931752.story subtitled, "Sara Kruzan's case shows why juveniles should not sentenced to life without parole."

The Times had previously written in favor of Sen. Yee's narrowly-defeated SB 399 to change this policy statewide; today's Times asks Governor Schwarzenegger to offer clemency, if only in this one extreme case.

My favorite quotes: "She has volunteered for dozens of rehabilitation programs and won awards for her participation and attitude. ... The CYA felt that she should have been prosecuted as a juvenile rather than as an adult, which would have put her into a rehabilitation program from which she could have been freed by age 25 — seven years ago."

Sentenced a minor to life behind bars with no chance of parole is a ghastly, inhumane, cruel practice.

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